
How Can Companies Use Linkedin To Better Market Their Services?

When I ask people why they're not active on LinkedIn, I become the same responses repeatedly.

LinkedIn is slow and intimidating.

I don't know what to say.

I tried LinkedIn for a few weeks and barely got any seize with teeth.

Nobody reaches out to ask about my services.

LinkedIn is for "serious people," not for me.

You're scared of existence yourself on LinkedIn because yous feel intimidated past all the CEOs and marketers showing upward with success stories. And then, you've concluded that LinkedIn is a professional networking infinite where everyone wears suits and speaks perfect English language.

Wrong. LinkedIn is human beginning, and just like any social media, the people who win are those who show upward authentically. They share valuable communication that readers can implement immediately, and they do it consistently.

Let's be clear. There is no magic pull a fast one on or checklist to a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy. But you'll not find any social media platform that rewards content creators with as many leads and conversions equally LinkedIn does.

Here are some interesting stats to motivate you:

  • LinkedIn generates lxxx% of all social media leads
  • 38% of B2B marketers generate revenue via LinkedIn
  •  In improver, LinkedIn accounts for 46% of all social traffic to B2B websites

In this guide, y'all'll acquire how to create an effective LinkedIn marketing strategy for lead gen purposes.

How to Create an Constructive LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

one. Know Your Audition

The commencement questions to answer when creating your LinkedIn marketing strategy are:

  • Who is my ideal customer?
  • Who do I demand to connect with to generate leads and conversions from LinkedIn?
  • What type of content will attract the correct audition?

This is an essential step, and y'all should take fourth dimension to figure out your target audition. When I started on LinkedIn, I was connecting with everyone. The CEO of the furniture company in Alabama. The small business concern owner running a funeral dwelling in Oklahoma. Even the interior designer in New York.

I didn't know my target audience because I hadn't defined what I did and for whom. When I got clarity on my ideal user, I updated my LinkedIn contour to reverberate this messaging.

Equally an SEO content author and strategist, my target audience is content marketing managers and heads of SEO departments at SaaS and tech companies. Additionally, I target clients in the United States because these companies have a high awareness of SEO and the spending power to pay my rates.

Who volition hire you for the skills you provide? The deeper your specialty, the more clarity you will have about your audience.

2. Study LinkedIn Influencers & Businesses That Hit the Marker

I spent three months studying influential people on LinkedIn to encounter the type of content they created. I realized that you could segment LinkedIn into two user groups:

  • LinkedIn users who share valuable content that makes them the potency on a subject. An case is Ross Simmonds, who has established himself as a top say-so in the content distribution niche.
  • LinkedIn users with over 10,000 followers who share stories that don't tell y'all annihilation about their expertise. Lots of appointment only few leads.

Who is posting corking content in your niche? Study them, accept pointers, and use that data to build your strategy.

3. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Profile Image

Do not underestimate the power of a picture. I know it's a tired cliché, but a picture is worth a thousand words (or maybe a thousand leads). According to LinkedIn, adding images doubles the number of comments a post receives.

Personal brand images build sensation and establish a connection with your audience. Pictures have the power to attract, persuade, and sell.

I invest in brand photographs every twelvemonth, and it's worked wonders for how people perceive me every bit a professional who knows her stuff.

There'south no hard or fast dominion to choosing a LinkedIn profile motion-picture show, but here are a few tips:

  • Projection confidence
  • Look directly at the camera
  • Use your face in your profile motion-picture show, non your visitor logo
  • Use a high-resolution image
  • Make sure yous're the just person in the frame
  • Create a groundwork photo that promotes your offering

Beneath is an excellent example of a groundwork paradigm and contour photo from Michael Rex, Founder of iPullRank.

Michael King LinkedIn Page


Troy Sandidge LinkedIn Page

I have a unproblematic formula for writing LinkedIn headlines: What you do + Who you exercise information technology for.

Using Troy'south Sandidge's profile equally an instance, we take "Marketing Strategist + B2B."

Your LinkedIn championship flows from your knowledge of your target audience. Otherwise, y'all'll be using the incorrect keywords and attracting poor-quality leads.

Consider using a keyword that is findable. Think of words your target customer uses when searching for your services. And so, as yous post consistently, y'all'll effortlessly prove upwards on LinkedIn results for your keyword. Hither's another example from Lily Ugbaja.

Lily Ugbaja LinkedIn Profile


Your LinkedIn bio is perhaps one of the hardest things to write. It carries the weight of telling your ideal customer what you lot do, why they should work with yous, and how to contact you lot.

The first line should grab attention and encourage the reader to click the see more than push. Think of how yous can communicate value in two sentences. My target audience wants content that ranks and I atomic number 82 with this sentence.

LinkedIn About section

When they click more, the story continues with the results I've driven for SaaS companies. First, the promise, followed by the fulfillment of that promise.

LinkedIn About section

I follow up results with the specific services I offer. This is where I dial into the dissimilar problems I solve for my target audience.

LinkedIn About section

Finally, I conclude with a way to attain me. You could add your website, phone number, or email address equally a CTA.

LinkedIn About section

Fix your bio, and you'll get more people reaching out via LinkedIn Messaging to inquire nearly your services. You lot can peep my full bio on LinkedIn.

Earlier settling on a last version, ask a few people from your target audition to read your bio and give feedback.

Think of your LinkedIn contour similar a funnel. It starts with your image, the title, bio, and continues with the Featured Posts. Use Featured Posts to share content almost your expertise.

Here'southward an example from conversion copywriter Diane Wiredu.



Recommendations are like to testimonials you'd take on your website. It gives prospective clients an idea of what to expect when they piece of work with you. My simply trick for getting recommendations from clients is to do great work. Over-evangelize and your clients will be happy to drop a recommendation when yous enquire.

For example, I can tell that Aaisha Joseph is an engaging speaker who is comfy breaking down walls around diverseness and inclusion.


4. Connect with People You Want to Print

Again, you need to know your target audience to connect with the right people. For instance, when connecting with people on LinkedIn, I don't merely consider potential clients. I also call up of peers who would find value in my content.

I'one thousand a freelance content author and strategist. So, I connect with:

  • Potential customers — heads of content, SEO, and marketing departments.
  • Peers — copywriters, in-business firm SEOs, marketers, and freelancers.

These are the ii groups of people who understand my content when I write about SEO and content marketing. This means quality engagement that leads to new relationships and potential future referrals.

Finally, brand sure yous're connecting with active users on LinkedIn, non LinkedIn users who only evidence up once in three months to check their messages. A LinkedIn Premium account shows this information.

5. Build Relationships

The nigh straightforward manner to nurture relationships on LinkedIn is to comment on the posts of people yous desire to print. I comment on whatsoever post I find helpful or engaging. I also endeavor to exit comments on the posts of industry experts and connections that fall within my target audition.

Adjacent, you tin can take it one stride further by following Abby Reimer's advice.

I nurture relationships by leading with learning. For example, I read many posts from manufacture thought leaders, and I frequently connect with the authors to let them know I liked their content. This has led to incredible opportunities and friendships I would never have made if I hadn't reached out. Add value on LinkedIn past sharing what you learn and letting others know when you larn something from them.

six. Create a LinkedIn Folio for Your Business organization

Nosotros've been talking about setting up your personal LinkedIn profile because humans similar to connect with other humans. Notwithstanding, I don't recall brand profiles get equally much engagement as personal profiles. And so, it'due south essential to optimize your personal contour beginning earlier setting up your brand contour.

LinkedIn Pages provide a way for you to connect with your target audience, rent employees, and maximize your LinkedIn lead gen efforts.

Here's a comprehensive guide that walks you through the process of creating a LinkedIn page.

7. Promote Your LinkedIn Folio

You tin promote your company page through:

LinkedIn Ads

Employ targeted advertising to achieve a wider audience on LinkedIn. LinkedIn offers over 200 targeting characteristics to target members by name, location, industry, job title, and more. Options for LinkedIn ads include:

  • Text ads that appear on profile pages, notifications, search results, grouping pages, and the homepage
  • Sponsored content to dilate your business posts to a larger audience
  • Sponsored InMail to send personalized common cold messages to LinkedIn members

Your Personal Profile

I'g a big fan of using your personal profile to promote your business page.

Your options include:

  • Re-sharing content from your personal profile to your business concern page and vice versa
  • Referencing and tagging your LinkedIn page in a relevant post
  • Sharing progress with client work

This usually works when you have a decent following on LinkedIn who engage with your content. For example, Elizabeth Leiba has over 98,000 followers on her personal profile and over xx,000 followers on her LinkedIn page. She creates content almost her visitor'due south affect on diversity and inclusion training.

Elizabeth Leiba LinkedIn Post

Leveraging LinkedIn Influencers

I'one thousand not certain why, but I don't come across a lot of influencer posts on LinkedIn. Influencer marketing is huge on platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. So, why non LinkedIn?

Think of someone in your industry who gets a lot of meaningful appointment when they share content. If you accept a new product that only launched or y'all're hosting an event shortly, employ influencers to spread the discussion and tap into their audience.

Seun Odegbami, who hosts LinkedIn Local Lagos, does a great job leveraging micro-influencers for more conversions.

This postal service by Ameenah Aderinto promoting LinkedIn Local Lagos merely got 35 reactions, but the comment section shows that people are signing up to attend.


Encouraging Employees to Get Active on LinkedIn

Companies generate 30% of their engagement through employees. When employees accept a LinkedIn contour and are active on LinkedIn, several things can happen:

  • They listing your company as their workplace, which is similar an inbound link to your LinkedIn folio
  • They follow your company contour
  • You lot can inquire them to appoint with visitor content to increase the reach to their audience
  • When they share content on LinkedIn, connections who desire to learn more than about the employee, go to their profile, see they work for you lot, and follow your company folio

Devin Reed and Udi Ledergor from Gong are great examples of employees who use their personal profiles to promote their employer. Discover how much appointment their posts receive?

LinkedIn post
LinkedIn Post

8. Utilize a Content Calendar to Ensure Consistency

Hither'south how Alastair Banks explains consistency:

Consistency is the fundamental. You have to plough up, share valuable content, and plough upward once again. There is no silverish bullet for creating a winning LinkedIn marketing strategy. Those who apply hacks last a while, only those who develop their personal brands over time are the ones that win.

Alastair Banks

Consistency is showing up regularly with relevant, helpful content that gives lots of value to the reader. One of the best ways to ensure consistency is to use the Semrush Social Media Affiche.

Semrush Social Media Poster

I employ it to schedule content simultaneously for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter (you tin can also use it for Instagram, Pinterest, and Google My Business organization). I can add media content, gifs, and fifty-fifty emojis to my posts.

To extract every bit much juice as possible, I schedule my all-time LinkedIn posts to repeat at intervals of 5 to six months considering people forget apace, and the same post will likely have as much date.

Creating a post with Semrush Social Media Poster

If you lot're only using the Semrush Social Media toolkit for your business, the free account works fine. Simply if you manage social media for clients, and so buy a paid plan. Paid subscriptions allow yous to connect more than social profiles and monitor more accounts ( see details here).

Hither'due south a guide on how to configure Social Media Poster.

Subsequently you begin posting content, you can apply the Social Media Tracker to run across how your posts are doing. This tool allows you to monitor the overall functioning of LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube accounts.

Social Media Tracker

This tool also shows your tiptop content by engagement, which can assist yous shape the strategy for future posts.

Social Media Tracker report

9. Create Content That Shows Your Expertise and Personality

Here's a bully tip from Ross Simmonds on the type of content that works on LinkedIn:

LinkedIn post

Consistency is hard. Many people driblet off after they've gotten some traction in their business. But if y'all want to stand out on LinkedIn and build a sustainable lead gen auto, content cosmos should exist at the center of your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

Hither are some tips that will work for any brand.

Repurpose Blog Posts into LinkedIn Content

Nigh of my LinkedIn content is inspired by my web log. I accept a weblog post or guest post I've written and turn the subheadings into digestible LinkedIn content.

For example, this post on keyword research tools was inspired by this post on how to conduct keyword inquiry.

LinkedIn post

Plough Workflows into Stories

What have yous been working on recently? Any new projects, client results, or exciting news you'd similar to share?

I love how Carrie Rose talks about her mission with Ascension at Vii. She shares content almost her latest projects, her internal process for collaboration, and everything in between.

LinkedIn post

Sharing your company workflow is similar bringing the public into your cycle. That level of transparency makes your connections feel like they know you. It's an excellent strategy for Carrie, given the success her agency has enjoyed in recent years.

Everyone is and then obsessed with success that we forget most the learning bend. And yous know what happens during the learning curve? Mistakes.

Mistakes are good. They make you homo and bear witness that very few people get information technology right the kickoff fourth dimension. Sharing wrong turns on your journey humanizes your brand and makes it easy for your audience to relate with you on a personal level.

Embrace Storytelling & Humor

It's not enough to evidence your expertise. Yous have to larn how to weave storytelling into your LinkedIn posts to engage your audience.

I remember the early on days of LinkedIn when I would get five likes on a postal service and 10 on a good solar day. My content was drab and lifeless. It didn't inspire the reader to take action or comment on the mail service.

It all inverse when I started using storytelling to explain complex concepts and make them easier to understand. For instance, I used jollof rice as an analogy to depict why it's vital for content to marinate overnight.

LinkedIn post

I besides utilize storytelling to invite my connections into my personal life to see the human being behind the posts. The blend of humanity and expertise is the secret to my success on LinkedIn.

A post nigh not wearing pants to a Zoom coming together turned into an invitation to speak to a digital marketing class at the University of Pittsburgh.


10. Show Expertise

Here's the thing about sharing cognition. In that location'south something you know that someone else doesn't. Information technology's obvious to you lot, but not to others. Share it!

Expertise doesn't take to be advanced knowledge near a topic. I share tips on optimizing SEO content, building topic clusters, doing keyword research, and other SEO-related topics.

Avoid the temptation to tell meaningless stories that evoke emotion merely don't lead to queries virtually your services. You might get a lot of engagement but zero leads.

Expertise is helpful and practical advice. It's sharing information that your audience tin can implement immediately. It's the little details in your process that make you superior to everyone else.

Above all, expertise leads to inquiries from your ideal customer who is convinced that you lot're the best pick for the service you deliver. This is the central goal of your LinkedIn strategy.

11. Utilize a Mix of Content Formats

Anybody has a unlike preference for consuming information. Some users like video, others similar text and images. Mix up your LinkedIn content with all iii formats.

LinkedIn users are 20x more than likely to share video content. Videos are dandy for showing your procedure and taking your audition behind the scene. Utilize infographics to share statistics or highlight central information in your post. Long-grade content tends to perform well on LinkedIn, so consider publishing more text-based content with a mix of multimedia thrown in for freshness.

Social media platforms don't desire you linking out. They desire to keep the reader engaged with the content you've published for them. LinkedIn algorithms ordinarily bury posts with links in them.

Notwithstanding, I've noticed 2 scenarios where links in the post perform well:

Influencer post: When an influencer shares content with links in the mail service, it performs well considering they already have a massive post-obit. Hither's an case from Brigette Hyacinth with a YouTube link in the post and over 1,700 reactions.

LinkedIn post

Long-class post: I've likewise noticed that many people will see the postal service if you lot add long-class content to a mail with an outbound link. For example, this post has a link in the text, merely it'southward long-form, and nearly 7,000 people saw information technology.

If you don't take a large post-obit similar Brigette, play it prophylactic by adding the link in the comment department and then your mail has a greater run a risk of performing well.

thirteen. Avoid the Temptation to Automate Outreach

Automated LinkedIn messages are spam. You're sending the same message to anybody without personalization. Nobody likes information technology, and LinkedIn is cracking downwards on automation tools. So, exist careful with anything that automates letters, connection requests, or profile visits.

Instead, apply a template to streamline your cold messaging but leave blanks for personalization options such as connection name, issues they face, and your unique approach to solving the problem.

Track Analytics to Meet if Your Strategies Are Working

LinkedIn Analytics allows y'all to track progress, see what'due south working, and place areas of comeback.


Another remarkable feature that Semrush provides is Social Media Analytics. I can view information for LinkedIn pages such as:

Follower count by:

  • Land
  • Manufacture
  • Job office

Engagement metrics:

  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Clicks
  • Shares
  • Total follower count
  • Average engagement rate growth
  • Follower gain
  • Reach
  • Impressions

The LinkedIn study shows how well your audience is engaging with your content, so create more of what brings engagement and results.

Concluding Thoughts

The most successful people on LinkedIn give more than they take. I want y'all to create so much value that people look frontwards to seeing your content.

And so, how do y'all market on LinkedIn? Optimize your LinkedIn profile to concenter the right audition. Enquire for recommendations from satisfied customers. Share practical advice to build authority. Utilise stories to connect with your audition and show your human side. Finally, remember that LinkedIn is human first, and then don't be afraid to show up authentically.

How Can Companies Use Linkedin To Better Market Their Services?,


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